Saturday, September 7, 2013


Hello Everyone, 
It is time for an update, since my last post from March. As you know, the first half of the year I was in the process of completing student teaching!! I passed all of my classes (including all 3 ST classes) and graduated with honors (cum laude) in May with my BA from GSW. 
Post-Graduation, I am still looking for a job, but will be continuing to gain experience through subbing! 

A part from being a full time student (not anymore haha), I am very active in my church! I am a member of the choir and help with several children's ministry activities. One specific ministry being the AWANA program. AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.
In awana, students or (CLUBBERS) participate in a schedule of activities during each club night. The clubbers are split off into separate groups (Puggles, Cubbies, Sparks, and TNT, each with their own mascot(s)....there is also a middle and high school youth program(s) in AWANA).The clubbers have their game time (some churches even go to the "competitions"), snack suppers, Handbook time (verse memorization), COUNCIL TIME (BIBLE LESSON), and  Closing ceremonies (for music, follow ups, award ceremonies, etc...). For more information on awana, you can visit their site by clicking on the caption.

Now, this is my 6th-(7th) year in the awana program working with the SPARKS group (Kindergarten to Second Grade)! I have went through many of the awana ranks. I started off helping occasionally as a student leader/helper, then I became an official leader (signing off on memorized verses, assisting when needed, etc..). After being a leader for 2 years, I took the place of our SPARKS secretary, where my role was to record the verses the clubbers recited in my records, put them in the computer, and award the clubbers their (wings, jewels, emblems)[note; awana awards are "similar" to patches in boy/girl scouts]. Last year, our Sparks Director stepped down after I believe almost 10+ years of service. I stepped up and took over the responsibility. So now I am going on my 2nd year as a director. The director's job is to help run the club for your group. You must make executive decisions, help your leaders, plan the bible story for your group, etc...). Since I do always want to "grow" and "learn," I have attended the awana conference for the past 2 years and it has been amazing! 

I learned a lot in my time as director last year, and have been able to make several improvements THIS year!! It was a difficult process/journey, especially when student teaching came along. My bible lessons unfortunately became lack-luster :(! This year will be different. Found below is my ("newly" decorated room). Last year, I just had awana posters hanging, a move-able marker board and a "CD" player. This year I believe will be a more "welcoming" experience for my clubbers. 

Our Mascot "SPARKY the firefly" welcoming clubbers into the sparks awana room! 

Here, We have our SPARKS theme song. Under the poster are file folders. These folders will contain activity sheets for each grade level (handbook level) to complete once they have finished their ALLOWED 2 sections per night limit. 

While at home recitation and discussion with parents is encouraged, if students have a tendency to forget their book, they are allowed to leave their handbooks with us. Here are our organizational baskets. 

Our LESSON table, here we see our sparky puppet, CD player (for handbook music, music for lessons, etc..). This week's lesson is already prepped and ready to go. Under the table, we have our treasure box (new this year), the clubbers won't know when I will call treasure box time. It will not be a weekly reinforcement. Instead, it will be an every now and then to reinforce that we should be loving, caring, kind, respectful ALL the time. 

Our Sitting area for council time :)! 

Our lesson marker board. This will be used to write notes, scripture, etc.. that pertain to the lesson. I have also "pinned" a business card of our AWANA missionary to remember to pray for them. 

Here is our information wall! Where I will keep our theme nights, and nightly schedule for easy viewing. 

Here is another Sparky drawing for extra decoration. 

This wall will most likely be used to hang up posters, or activities that we complete during large group lessons to remind us of what we have learned this year. 

Our Handbook time rules just as a reminder to my Sparkies, what to do after they have recited their allotted amount of sections.

I will try to remember to update my blog regularly with up to date awana happenings!

-Mr. H. 

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